Disability Services
Access to Opportunity
Cedarville University welcomes students with disabilities, extending the opportunity to fully participate in the learning and living environment while promoting responsibility, independence, and self-advocacy. Students with disabilities who are enrolled in Dual Enrollment, undergraduate, and graduate studies are invited to register with Disability Services if academic accommodations are needed.
What is Disability Services?
Disability Services is part of the Academic Enrichment Center, also known as The Cove, at Cedarville University. The Cove provides academic resources and support to all students, while Disability Services works specifically with students who qualify for accessibility accommodations because of the impact of a diagnosed disability.
Disability Services is the office designated by Cedarville University to:
- Evaluate accommodation requests related to the impact of a diagnosed disability.
- Determine reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities.
- Keep record of documentation in support of a student’s disability.
How will I know whether or not to register with Disability Services?
The purpose of accommodations through Disability Services is to enable access because there is a functional limitation. When the impact of your diagnosis creates an educational barrier and interferes with your equal access to educational opportunity, consider applying to Disability Services to request accommodations. A diagnosis alone does not qualify you for accommodations, but if the impact of your diagnosis is substantially limiting, and you would not have access to the same educational opportunity as other students because of your limitations, then accommodations may be needed.
Will my 504 or IEP transfer to Cedarville University?
504 plans and IEPs apply to K-12 and do not transfer to postsecondary schools. In the postsecondary setting, students with disabilities have to self-identify and make the request for accommodations.
For additional information on what to expect when transitioning from high school, visit www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/transition.
How do I request accommodations?
To request accommodations at Cedarville University, you will complete the Application to Disability Services, provide third-party professional documentation that evaluates your disability, and make the request for accommodations based on the impact of your disability.
Is there a deadline for applying to Disability Services?
There isn’t a deadline to apply for accommodations, but if you are a first-time student at Cedarville, it is best to submit your application during the month before you arrive on campus if requesting academic accommodations and in March if an accessible housing accommodation is needed. To avoid delays in processing your application, plan to allow enough time for scheduling and attending the necessary appointments so you are able to obtain your documentation and submit it with your application.
Will the accommodations that I request be approved?
Your accommodation request and supporting professional documentation will be evaluated on an individual basis by our Disability Services team. We will look for a direct nexus between the functional limitations resulting from your diagnosis and the accommodation being requested. Keep in mind that personal services or personal equipment are not provided as accommodations.
Is there additional help for my classes?
The Cove offers academic coaching appointments, drop-in math tutoring labs, peer review sessions for specific courses, and peer tutoring appointments for any course. These services are available to all students. You will be able to sign up for appointments or view the math lab and peer coaching schedules during the semester by visiting the Tutoring Services webpage.